Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Study Task 5: Create your brand

Create an appropriately formatted online/print presence (brand) that can be used as a focal point for your individual practice, professional communications and visual identity. Think about how you can stand out from the rest, make yourself recognisable and communicate your professionalism as well as your creativity.

As a minimum, your brand should include:

1) Online presence
– online portfolio (this could be a website or a profile on a creative platform)

– social media presence (including a LinkedIn profile)
You will need to consider how you will use online professional media to promote your practice, publicise your work and engage with national and international practitioners, clients, studios and communities of practice.

2) Printed materials
– business cards (a digital design and one printed copy for submission)

– creative CV (a digital design)
You will need to consider the practicalities, legibility and usability of your print-based identity, which may include a logo or bespoke typeface.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Study Task 4: Exit strategy

Before Graduation:
  • Apply for jobs/paid internships/apprenticeships within the animation industry such as: motion graphics animator, 2D generalist and background artist. 
  • Create a greater knowledge of After Effects.
  • Need to register as Self-Employed. 
  • Create website

After Graduation:
  • Create a greater knowledge of Toon Boom Harmony.
  • Learn Houdini.
  • Find a part or full-job in the art industry until I can get a job in the animation industry.
  • Decide in roughly a years time if its better to move closer to Leeds or Manchester for Animation jobs.

Study Task 3: Network

Set up or update your LinkedIn account:

Develop a full and complete profile-https://www.linkedin.com/in/cara-jeal-15b80362/

Identify at least 12 professional contacts and attempt to make connections with them-

– Where possible, strike up creative conversations – ask them if they can give you some practical advice on how you could break into your chosen field and where to start doing this. 

Identify 12 networking opportunities for yourself:
  1. Manchester Animation Festival - http://www.manchesteranimationfestival.co.uk/about/
  2. Leeds Young Film Festival (volunteering as a runner) - http://www.leedsfilm.com/film-festivals/leeds-young-film-festival/
  3. Glug meet-up events - https://www.glugevents.com/attend
  4. Art House Wakefield - https://the-arthouse.org.uk/exhibitions-events/
  5. Leeds Animation Industry Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/Leeds-Animation-Industry-Meetup/
  6. Motion North - https://www.meetup.com/motionnorth/
  7. Leeds Film and Animation Creators group - https://www.meetup.com/Leeds-film-animation-creators-group/
  8. Animation Jobs (Facebook group)
  9. Job and freelance work animation (Facebook group)
  10. Motion Graphics and Animation (Facebook group)
  11. Animators Study Group (Facebook group)
  12. Festivus (Facebook group

Study Task 2: Scan the Horizon

1. Where you would like to work, short & long term (Studio? Corporate? Freelance? Postgraduate?);
Short term, I would like to work freelance until I get a job in a studio. I have been looking at postgraduate apprenticeships jobs to achieve this. I have also been looking at jobs within a workshop environment as I would like to teach as well as  work in the animation industry.   

2. What you know about your dream role (Where to look for job offers? Required skills? Salaries? Growth opportunities?);
For my dream role (Background Artist/2D generalist), I have been looking at studios around West Yorkshire on their websites as well as Facebook and other sites such as https://animatedjobs.com/

The skills required for a Background Artist/Designer (salary- roughly £20K+ a year): 

  • Proficiency in Photoshop/2D design software
  • Comprehension and knowledge of the 2D animation pipeline
  • Strong understanding of perspective and composition demonstrated in your portfolio
  • Proficiency in the style of the show demonstrated in your portfolio
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Thorough understanding of 2D animation and how your designs will be used throughout the production pipeline

The skills required for a 2D generalist (salary- £23-28K a year):
  • The ability to see a project through from concept to completion, ranging from a few days to a few months.
  • An eye for creative design and the ability to build custom assets.
  • A diverse portfolio of motion graphic skills.
  • Able to conceptualise and implement 2D and 3D animation.
  • Able to work across teams (Pre, Production & Post) to concept, design, develop, build and deliver 3D motion projects.
  • Positive attitude and not afraid to push the creative boundaries.
  • A team player but also content working alone.
  • Comfortable working for high-end clients.
  • Able to manage the pressure of tight deadlines and communicate effectively with Post-Producer and Producer if any issues or delays arise.
  • Punctual, with strong time-management skills.
  • Uphold a professional manner, both in front of other employees and the client.
  • Be prepared to take feedback directly from the client, if the Producer is not around
  • Degree/Diploma from a recognized animation school

3. Who you know that might help you get that foot in the door (Industry contacts? Potential clients? Collaborators? Producers? Commissions? Funding opportunities for creatives/startups?);

People that could help:

  • Gemma the Animator - specialises in Adobe After Effects (met at M.A.F)
  • Brian Lewis - Yorkshire artist (family friend)
Funding opportunities in start-up and further training:

4. Networking opportunities based upon where you want to work (Festivals? Industry meetups? Networking events? Pubs where people go after work? Opportunities for chats?);
5. Anything else that may be related to your moving on from LAU (Location limitations? Moving cities/countries? Commuting? Living arrangements? Financial requirements?).

  • Register as a freelancer.
  • Apply for a full or part-time job to create more financial stability due to having a young child.
  • Ensure the council are updated of when education is completed due to council tax.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Study Task 1: Review your Presence

1. Your practice (What do you do? Why do you do it? How do you do it?);

  • I am a 2D generalist who also does 2D background art.
  • I do it because I love looking at the world in a different dimension and I love how expressive and fluid you can be within it.
  • To create my animations I mainly use After Effects to animate, and use Photoshop and Illustrator to create the assists. For backgrounds I generally use Illustrator and Photoshop, but sometimes use watercolour for the base of the background and then build it up in Photoshop or Illustrator. 
2. Your skill set (What skills do you have? Are they practical, technical, academic? Are you a specialist or a multi-disciplinary practitioner?);

My skills within animation are: 
  • Visual Effects (After Effects) - practical and technical because it depends on what effects you are using.
  • Motion Graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop & After Effects) - practical as the assets will need to be made and then technical when it comes to the rigging and animation in After Effects. 
  • Compositor (After Effects & Premier) - technical due to having to piece the animation together.
  • Background Artist (Illustrator, Photoshop & Traditional) - practical due to the only element being drawing. 
3. Your plans for the end of the course (Do you want to get a job in a studio? Or work freelance/set up your own studio? Maybe undertake postgraduate study or go into teaching? Perhaps you wish to do something else?);

My plans for the end of the degree is to look for a job or possibly an apprenticeship in motion graphics or as a background artist. Also,  I would like to continue working in creative workshops teaching all ages. I currently do this for the University as a Student Ambassador and have just recently secured a permanent part-time job as a Workshop Assistant for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. With this contract I can therefore continue to peruse a career in the animation industry.

4. Your online presence in light of your earlier responses (Do you need to change your approach to social media? Do you need to start using it more/ less/differently? Are you using the right platforms for your practice?).

Recently, I have changed my name from 'DadaAnimations' to 'Cara Doodle'. The reason behind this is due to not wanting to feel I am limited to just animations, as I want to create background art, craft illustrations for stalls, teach workshops, general illustrations and animations. Therefore, with this name people won't be too confused with the different things I do. With the Instagram and Facebook page just setup, I do need more artwork on there  and to make sure I stick to posting at least one post per week minimum. Also, I need make sure I interact with people within the art and animation communities on both platforms to keep my online platforms active and known. For my areas of practice, both of these platforms are perfect for as I am apart of many parent, craft and animation groups where I can share work and potential interest.
After University, I am also wanting to set up an Etsy account to sell personalised watercolour illustrations

Wednesday, 29 May 2019


This year I have been to Lille for the Projection Mapping workshop. This involved me working with many people from all of the world.
On the first night we got to know everyone with a few drinks and got into pairs and then the next day we our pairs were matched up so there wasn't everyone with the same skill in each group. When in groups we had to create an animation for the theme tv series and was given the audio for roughly 12 different tv shows. The projection was shown on the Opera House in the city center. Our group was very privalaged to be the opening piece so we therefore included characters from the shows that each of the team were using.

Study Task 10: Showreel

Friday, 17 May 2019

Study Task 9: Collective Enterprise

For this project I was in a group with myself being the CEO/Director, Jess being in charge of the social media and keeping the website up to date, Gabbi in charge of finances/paperwork and Rhys as the freelancer consultant.

We called this business 'The hungry Artist' because we feel like a lot of people could relate to that as it is very hard to get your work out there and to get started. This business is aimed to help those people by providing them with skills to make their social media presence better and to get there work out there. Not only that, this is a platform for companies or individuals to put work up that they need doing. To increase publicity of clients work we also have a blog where we can talk about individual freelancers and increase their popularity.

To complete the given task I created a:

Website using wix: https://carajeal.wixsite.com/thehungryartist?fbclid=IwAR2xAqM01UX3pjWcuHmWKpEJVybp2jn3kDwHl2DSmJ8JNmbQBu8qfnqep8Y

Email address: thehungryartiststudio@gmail.com

Instagram (created by Jess): https://www.instagram.com/thehungryartist2/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHungryArtis2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Hungry-Artist-Studio-2338372409736798/

Rhys also created a logo for the company.

This is the link to the presentation that we created: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QMKEeen6qABVPnQiRCQOEVXYHd4JJTClqiCtXq_5O2c/edit?usp=sharing

(Please don't copy any of our ideas!)

Study Task 8: Working Freelance/Self Employment

These pieces were both created on the bus in a A5 size sketchbook and I have been selling them for £60 each. I am going to be creating these in a much larger scale and possibly put them in galleries. This is my main aim for the summer.

When it comes to creating short animations and backgrounds, I will do an hourly rate of £10-15 per hour depending on the complexity and materials needed. However, I will increase this with experience.

Study Task 5 - CopyShop

After the copyright presentation I have decided that I would like to use the Creative Commons in my work. With this type of copy right I can still protect my work but allow other artists to be inspired to create more art relating to my work. Also, I can protect some of my artwork more than others depending on how much I deem them as being worth.
I have shown that I feel this way about my work on my social media by asking people to message me if they would like to use my work in any way. I believe there is no need to watermark pictures that were only taken on my phone is bad lighting but will start to watermark any scanned in art or any future animations by adding my logo on it. 

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Study Task - 7 - Social Media Pro





These are the different social media blogs that I use to share my animations and illustrations. The first two blogs are called 'DadaAnimations' and is just for my animations. I have noticed that I don't use these blogs that much, but I am wanting for that to change by producing a post every Sunday. Not only this I need to go through both of my Instagram and Facebook accounts with the name 'DadaAnimations' and to remove posts that are not relating to my animations or backgrounds. This will allow people to see what areas in animation that I would like to focus on and to hopefully get work from this.
My second social media name is 'BusDoodles'. I use this name to publish my illustrations that I have been drawing on the bus. I have been posting on these accounts very regularly as I travel on up to 6 buses a day. I am wanting to go further with the art that I am publishing under this name by creating larger pieces and sending them to galleries. This is my plan for over the summer.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Study Task 6: How much you do you need?

With this exercise I have realized that I need to be better with budgeting and cut back on software's, spotify and phone contract. 

Study Task 3: Who Do I Want To Be?

For this task I needed to look at what I am currently good at and what I need to improve to become better as a person within a work environment and as an artist in the animation industry. I believe I need to become more flexible, increase my knowledge of new software's needed within the industry and to improve my drawing ability.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Study Task 2: Collect, Organise and Research (Mune)

I discovered Mune whilst looking for a film to watch with my daughter. Its such a lovely film about 'an imaginary world, a small Sun and Moon were made by the first Guardians to warm up a small planet inhabited by different marvelous people. The Guardians follow generations after generations and preserve the harmony of the world. The people of the day and those of the night live in relative harmony, even though they are very different from each other. But in the depth of the planet, Necross awaits the opportunity to set darkness over the world.'.





With a bit more research into Mune, I discovered a webpage full of 'The Art of Mune'. My favorite pieces are the ones above, because the colours and textures  are amazing.


I couldn't find the background or layout artist for this film, but I did manage to find the art director called Remi Salmon.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Cockburn School Animation Workshop

I have been working with Cockburn School for the past year now, but since October I have been running the sessions by myself.

Study Task 4: Networking

  • Identify at LEAST 10 Networking opportunities. These could be conferences, festivals, volunteering opportunities, openings, premieres, virtual networks etc. You should list dates and what you would hope to get out of attending.
  1. Leeds Young Film Festival (8th - 22nd April 2019):  http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/leeds-young-film-festival/
  2. D&AD Festival (21st - 23rd May 2019): https://www.dandad.org/en/d-ad-creative-advertising-design-festival/
  3. Leeds Animation Workshop: You can email them you're showreel and covering letter and you may be able to get some work experience with them https://www.leedsanimation.org.uk/ 
  4. Student Ambassador: I have been given lots of opportunities to work with many different people in outreach work. Some of the people that I have been talking to have been willing to help me find some work experience in their old or current job. Also, being an ambassador has given me the opportunity to run my own animation workshop at a local high school.
  5. Animation Dingle Film Festival (22nd - 23rd March): I would like to move back over to Ireland at some point so I will need to know what the industry is like over there. http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/animation-dingle-film-festival/
  6. Annecy International Animated Film Festival (10th - 15th June): http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/annecy-international-animated-film-festival/
  7. Lille Projection Mapping Workshop (23rd - 30th March): I will be attending this workshop and hopefully I will be able to learn many new skills and gain a lot more contacts in the animation industry. 
  8. Thought Bubble (Dates Unknown): It would be a great opportunity to meet lots of different artists as well as animators. https://www.thoughtbubblefestival.com/
  9. Leeds Film Festival Volunteering (19th - 22nd April): I would love to apply for this year but the training session is the same date for when I am in Lille, but I will apply next year. https://www.leedsfilmcity.com/film-festivals/leeds-young-film-festival/lyff-volunteer-applications/
  10. Thought Bubble Volunteering (Dates Unknown): https://www.thoughtbubblefestival.com/volunteer

  • Set up or a LinkedIn Account.  
    You should develop a full and complete profile, identify a number of animation/creative related individuals or companies and connect with them.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Study Task 2: Spider-Man:Into the Spider-Verse


I went to go and watch Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse and I am highly surprised on how much I loved the film. The style was absolutely astonishing and I definitely haven't seen anything like this before. After watching the clip below I discovered that to create the neon effects that are used to enhance parts of the background they used chromatic aberration.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Study Task 2: Collect, Organise and Research (Mad Love)

I have picked this animation because the style reminds me of William Kentridge's charcoal style. However, with this animation theres a wider range of colours and fluidity.

Study Task 2: Collect, Organise and Research (Trevor Jimenez)

Trailer for Trevor Jimenez' Short: Weekendshttps://www.iamag.co/trailer-for-trevor-jimenez-short-weekends/

I stumbled upon This artist/animator on Cartoon Brew and love the style. He is an artist from Pixar and has created this short called Weekends which is about the "story of a young boy shuffling between the homes of his recently divorced parents. Surreal, dream-like moments mix with the domestic realities of a broken up family."

Study Task 2: Collect, Organise and Research (In your Face)


I believe I should look at exploring animation character styles like this. This is such a great animation as well!

Study Task 2: Collect, Organise and Research (Charlie and Lola)

Image result for charlie and lola

I love the charlie and lola style because I believe that the simplistic style is really effective and unique. The brightly coloured backgrounds and items that are shown in the show, such as the phone, are probably my favourite part because they are pictures or bits of fabrics, material or items that could be found in the time it is set in.

Study Task 1: Who am I Now

  • Identify 5 things you have learned so far on the program
-How to animate
-How to use lots of different software
-How to work in a group to create work
-How to create a character
- How to draw a cartoon using different styles
  • Identify 5 things that you want to know more about
-How to become a director
-How to get my work out there
-How to use Toom Boom Harmony 
-Develop my 2d animation skills
-Decide what area in 2d animation I would like to focus on
  • Identify 5 skills that you think are your strengths
-2d digital drawing
-Using Adobe Software
-Not scared to ask questions
-Background work
-Generating ideas
  • Identify 5 things that you want to improve
-2d animation skills
-Cartoon drawing skills
-Knowledge of the best animators and directors creating 2d animations
-Timekeeping of work
-Walk cycle
  • Identify 5 practitioners that demonstrate your interest in Animation
-Walt Disney
-Tim Burton
-Richard Williams
-Trevor Jimenez
-Lauren Child
  • Identify 5 websites/online resources that demonstrate your areas of interest within the creative industries

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Student Ambassador

For my student ambassador we have been working with an organisation called "Womens Lives Leeds" to create a work for an exhibition happening in the Centre of Leeds. It is to celebrate womens lives and the struggles they have had to face throughout history.


Who's who? What do they do and who do they work for?

You are required to identify a 6 practitioners whose work is of interest to you. You should clearly identify who they are? what is their specialist practice, who they work or have worked for? You may want to consider the kinds of roles they have undertaken over the years and give us a quick insight into what they have been working on.
The practitioners could work in character animation, character design, storyboarding, concept art, background design, model making or 3D Modelling, Hybrid animation, Stop motion, puppet making or another area within the world of animation. 
  1. Tomoko Konoike- They are a interdisciplinary artist who uses various media such as paintings, installations, animations, picturebooks, handicrafts, performances, and fairytales. I love the fluidity of her work. The topics are very interesting.   https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/12/13/arts/openings-outside-tokyo/tomoko-konoike-skin-needle-thread/#.WwaabVMvxBw
  2. William Kentridge- Animator, works for himself and creates political pieces of work for galleries around the world. I love his work because the technique is very unique and interesting.   http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/william-kentridge-2680
  3. Walt Disney- 2D Animator, had his own studios and theme park. Won 22 academy awards in his lifetime. I love the use of rotoscoping in his work and how his work breaks the boundaries of physics in his animations all the time.  https://www.biography.com/people/walt-disney-9275533
  4. Richard Williams- Best known for woking on "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit" and his book "Animators Survival Guide". His work interests me because it helps me form new skills. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0931530/
  5. Tim Burton- Famous for producing "Corpse Bride" and "Frankenweenie". His style is very unique and has been used in films such as "Coraline".   https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000318/
  6. Lisa Hanawalt- Wellknown for producing "BoJack Horseman" and "Tuca and Bertie". I love adult comedy and the work she helps to produce is really good.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BoJack_Horseman
You are required to identify a minium of 6 competitions that you are eligible to enter and producing a list for future reference that should be placed on your blog. 
These competitions could be character design, concept art, background design, model making or short animation challenges across a range of media. The choice is yours, think about your selection as a way of beginning to identify a focus (however blurry it may be at the moment).
We are asking you to undertake this small task as you need to begin to think about taking on additional extra-curricular activities to add breadth and further dimension to you portfolio of work. Small competitions are also really useful for building up wor work rate and production speed as you often do not have time to be super precious about the final output. 
However the extra work can often provide you with valuable extra seconds of work for your showreel, it demonstrates to potential employers, internship providers and other within the animation industry that you are prepared to work outside of the curriculum and challenge yourself. 
  1. Encounters Film Festival- http://encounters-festival.org.uk/awards/
  2. Loopdeloop- http://www.loopdeloop.org/
  3. Student Design Awards- https://www.thersa.org/action-and-research/rsa-projects/design/student-design-awards
  4. 11 Second Club- http://www.11secondclub.com/
  5. D&AD- https://www.dandad.org/en/d-ad-new-blood-awards/
  6. DeviantArt- https://www.deviantart.com/digitalart/animation/popular-24-hours/

Public Service/Information

Identify 10 Public Service/Information and/or informational animations that make use of different animation media and are from around the world. 

  1. Airline Safety Video- Norwegian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm3IMGvHnsI
  2. Train Safety- Russian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAtuqJn827k
  3. Charlie Says- England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AIB7M3V_j4
  4. AID's- France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktCOw7bqldQ
  5. Child Molestation Prevention- Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbkDCdPM2fk&has_verified=1
  6. Fire Safety- Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZryRwhmCEso
  7. Safety- England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srBeZyIBzFU&feature=youtu.be
  8. Black Holes- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-P5IFTqB98
  9. How Tsunamis Work?- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx9vPv-T51I
  10. The Beginning of Everything- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNDGgL73ihY

Documentary Animation

  • Identify 10 Animated Documentaries and watch that make use of different animation media and are from around the world. 

Animation as Advertising

  • Identify 10 animated Advertisement that make use of different animation media and are from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES from around the world. 
  1. BBC Christmas 2017 - England https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8PstSiTCk74
  2. Sexual Health- Sweden http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/health/video-1537025/Quirky-Swedish-sexual-health-ad-shows-animated-genitals-movie.html
  3. Häagen-Daz- America https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YS2rjd9CJRg
  4. Cerebos Salt- South Africa https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thesouthafrican.com/watch-this-advert-for-cerebos-salt-is-tugging-at-all-our-heartstrings-video/amp/
  5. McDonalds- Japan https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ebPd26u9n-A
  6. Audi- Germanhttp://creativity-online.com/work/audi-the-comeback/49051
  7. Olympics- China https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr5ZWYRaAyw
  8. Lottery- Spainhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1230520/Tear-jerker-Christmas-advert-lonely-security-guard.html
  9. Oreo- Canadahttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XFsZ6BO4LU0
  10. Animation Festival- Amsterdam https://vimeo.com/channels/drawingroom/235331465

Animation As Entertainment

Identify 12 animations that make use of different animation media and are from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES from around the world. 

  1. The Little Prince- France https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fEPqgSNLfK8
  2. Grave of the Fireflies- Japan https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0095327/?ref_=m_ttls_tt_1
  3. UP- United States https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1049413/?ref_=m_ttls_tt_8 
  4. The Adventures of Tintin - New Zealand https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9ua_4ajpP58
  5. Felix in Exile- South Africa https://vimeo.com/66485044
  6. Tea with the Dead- Ireland https://vimeo.com/138508928
  7. Greed- Sweden https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LP6kiMYNoW8
  8. Wallace and Grommet- England https://www.wallaceandgromit.com
  9. Just Lucky- Australia https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8wjcmAshkzI
  10. Ed, Edd n Eddy- Canada https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sYMbrN9cvUs
  11. Father and Daughter - Netherlands https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wTIkvwwC23A
  12. Hey Deer!- Hungaryhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O1C9zOQpKG4

Friday, 2 March 2018


10 online sources - eg website, news, magazine, tutorial, forums, journals, support networks etc
  1. https://vimeo.com/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/?gl=GB&hl=en-GB
  3. http://www.wikia.com/fandom
  4. https://mubi.com/
  5. http://www.manchesteranimationfestival.co.uk/
  6. http://www.11secondclub.com/
  7. https://www.awn.com/
  8. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/
  9. http://www.cgsociety.org/
  10. http://sevencamels.blogspot.co.uk/

5 print based magazines or journals that will support your knowledge and understanding of contemporary animation or related practices
  1. 3D World Magazine
  2. Animation Magazine
  3. AnimationWorld Magazine
  4. animation Artist
  5. Anatomy Essentials

5 books that will help to give you a broad understanding of the potential of animation
  1. The animation Survival Kit
  2. The Illusion of Life
  3. Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators by Michael d. Mattesi 
  4. The Animator’s Sketchbook by Pixar
  5. Stop-motion Animation: Frame by Frame Film-making with Puppets and Models by Barry JC Purves

5 places you may visit to find out more about animation
  1. Bradford Media Museum 
  2. Manchester Animation Festival
  3. The Cartoon Muesum - London
  4. Museum in the Park - London
  5. Art Ludique - Paris

Study Task 1- Who am I? Why am I here? What do I want to learn?

Why you chose to study on this programme?
I have chosen to study on this course because I love how you can make your drawings and stories come to life.
What do you want to learn during your time on the programme?
While on this course I want to develop my skills using computer software's to create animations and to discover more amazing artwork that I can gain inspiration on.
What skills do you think are your strengths?
I believe that by doing an art foundation I have more experience using different materials which could make animations interesting .
What things that you want to improve?
I want to improve my cartoon drawing skills as my background is more fine art. 
What ways you will evaluate your progress?
I will evaluate my progress by keeping a blog so I can have a record my progress.