Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Study Task 4: Exit strategy

Before Graduation:
  • Apply for jobs/paid internships/apprenticeships within the animation industry such as: motion graphics animator, 2D generalist and background artist. 
  • Create a greater knowledge of After Effects.
  • Need to register as Self-Employed. 
  • Create website

After Graduation:
  • Create a greater knowledge of Toon Boom Harmony.
  • Learn Houdini.
  • Find a part or full-job in the art industry until I can get a job in the animation industry.
  • Decide in roughly a years time if its better to move closer to Leeds or Manchester for Animation jobs.

Study Task 3: Network

Set up or update your LinkedIn account:

Develop a full and complete profile-

Identify at least 12 professional contacts and attempt to make connections with them-

– Where possible, strike up creative conversations – ask them if they can give you some practical advice on how you could break into your chosen field and where to start doing this. 

Identify 12 networking opportunities for yourself:
  1. Manchester Animation Festival -
  2. Leeds Young Film Festival (volunteering as a runner) -
  3. Glug meet-up events -
  4. Art House Wakefield -
  5. Leeds Animation Industry Meetup -
  6. Motion North -
  7. Leeds Film and Animation Creators group -
  8. Animation Jobs (Facebook group)
  9. Job and freelance work animation (Facebook group)
  10. Motion Graphics and Animation (Facebook group)
  11. Animators Study Group (Facebook group)
  12. Festivus (Facebook group

Study Task 2: Scan the Horizon

1. Where you would like to work, short & long term (Studio? Corporate? Freelance? Postgraduate?);
Short term, I would like to work freelance until I get a job in a studio. I have been looking at postgraduate apprenticeships jobs to achieve this. I have also been looking at jobs within a workshop environment as I would like to teach as well as  work in the animation industry.   

2. What you know about your dream role (Where to look for job offers? Required skills? Salaries? Growth opportunities?);
For my dream role (Background Artist/2D generalist), I have been looking at studios around West Yorkshire on their websites as well as Facebook and other sites such as

The skills required for a Background Artist/Designer (salary- roughly £20K+ a year): 

  • Proficiency in Photoshop/2D design software
  • Comprehension and knowledge of the 2D animation pipeline
  • Strong understanding of perspective and composition demonstrated in your portfolio
  • Proficiency in the style of the show demonstrated in your portfolio
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Thorough understanding of 2D animation and how your designs will be used throughout the production pipeline

The skills required for a 2D generalist (salary- £23-28K a year):
  • The ability to see a project through from concept to completion, ranging from a few days to a few months.
  • An eye for creative design and the ability to build custom assets.
  • A diverse portfolio of motion graphic skills.
  • Able to conceptualise and implement 2D and 3D animation.
  • Able to work across teams (Pre, Production & Post) to concept, design, develop, build and deliver 3D motion projects.
  • Positive attitude and not afraid to push the creative boundaries.
  • A team player but also content working alone.
  • Comfortable working for high-end clients.
  • Able to manage the pressure of tight deadlines and communicate effectively with Post-Producer and Producer if any issues or delays arise.
  • Punctual, with strong time-management skills.
  • Uphold a professional manner, both in front of other employees and the client.
  • Be prepared to take feedback directly from the client, if the Producer is not around
  • Degree/Diploma from a recognized animation school

3. Who you know that might help you get that foot in the door (Industry contacts? Potential clients? Collaborators? Producers? Commissions? Funding opportunities for creatives/startups?);

People that could help:

  • Gemma the Animator - specialises in Adobe After Effects (met at M.A.F)
  • Brian Lewis - Yorkshire artist (family friend)
Funding opportunities in start-up and further training:

4. Networking opportunities based upon where you want to work (Festivals? Industry meetups? Networking events? Pubs where people go after work? Opportunities for chats?);
5. Anything else that may be related to your moving on from LAU (Location limitations? Moving cities/countries? Commuting? Living arrangements? Financial requirements?).

  • Register as a freelancer.
  • Apply for a full or part-time job to create more financial stability due to having a young child.
  • Ensure the council are updated of when education is completed due to council tax.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Study Task 1: Review your Presence

1. Your practice (What do you do? Why do you do it? How do you do it?);

  • I am a 2D generalist who also does 2D background art.
  • I do it because I love looking at the world in a different dimension and I love how expressive and fluid you can be within it.
  • To create my animations I mainly use After Effects to animate, and use Photoshop and Illustrator to create the assists. For backgrounds I generally use Illustrator and Photoshop, but sometimes use watercolour for the base of the background and then build it up in Photoshop or Illustrator. 
2. Your skill set (What skills do you have? Are they practical, technical, academic? Are you a specialist or a multi-disciplinary practitioner?);

My skills within animation are: 
  • Visual Effects (After Effects) - practical and technical because it depends on what effects you are using.
  • Motion Graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop & After Effects) - practical as the assets will need to be made and then technical when it comes to the rigging and animation in After Effects. 
  • Compositor (After Effects & Premier) - technical due to having to piece the animation together.
  • Background Artist (Illustrator, Photoshop & Traditional) - practical due to the only element being drawing. 
3. Your plans for the end of the course (Do you want to get a job in a studio? Or work freelance/set up your own studio? Maybe undertake postgraduate study or go into teaching? Perhaps you wish to do something else?);

My plans for the end of the degree is to look for a job or possibly an apprenticeship in motion graphics or as a background artist. Also,  I would like to continue working in creative workshops teaching all ages. I currently do this for the University as a Student Ambassador and have just recently secured a permanent part-time job as a Workshop Assistant for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. With this contract I can therefore continue to peruse a career in the animation industry.

4. Your online presence in light of your earlier responses (Do you need to change your approach to social media? Do you need to start using it more/ less/differently? Are you using the right platforms for your practice?).

Recently, I have changed my name from 'DadaAnimations' to 'Cara Doodle'. The reason behind this is due to not wanting to feel I am limited to just animations, as I want to create background art, craft illustrations for stalls, teach workshops, general illustrations and animations. Therefore, with this name people won't be too confused with the different things I do. With the Instagram and Facebook page just setup, I do need more artwork on there  and to make sure I stick to posting at least one post per week minimum. Also, I need make sure I interact with people within the art and animation communities on both platforms to keep my online platforms active and known. For my areas of practice, both of these platforms are perfect for as I am apart of many parent, craft and animation groups where I can share work and potential interest.
After University, I am also wanting to set up an Etsy account to sell personalised watercolour illustrations