Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Cockburn School Animation Workshop

I have been working with Cockburn School for the past year now, but since October I have been running the sessions by myself.

Study Task 4: Networking

  • Identify at LEAST 10 Networking opportunities. These could be conferences, festivals, volunteering opportunities, openings, premieres, virtual networks etc. You should list dates and what you would hope to get out of attending.
  1. Leeds Young Film Festival (8th - 22nd April 2019):  http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/leeds-young-film-festival/
  2. D&AD Festival (21st - 23rd May 2019): https://www.dandad.org/en/d-ad-creative-advertising-design-festival/
  3. Leeds Animation Workshop: You can email them you're showreel and covering letter and you may be able to get some work experience with them https://www.leedsanimation.org.uk/ 
  4. Student Ambassador: I have been given lots of opportunities to work with many different people in outreach work. Some of the people that I have been talking to have been willing to help me find some work experience in their old or current job. Also, being an ambassador has given me the opportunity to run my own animation workshop at a local high school.
  5. Animation Dingle Film Festival (22nd - 23rd March): I would like to move back over to Ireland at some point so I will need to know what the industry is like over there. http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/animation-dingle-film-festival/
  6. Annecy International Animated Film Festival (10th - 15th June): http://www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/annecy-international-animated-film-festival/
  7. Lille Projection Mapping Workshop (23rd - 30th March): I will be attending this workshop and hopefully I will be able to learn many new skills and gain a lot more contacts in the animation industry. 
  8. Thought Bubble (Dates Unknown): It would be a great opportunity to meet lots of different artists as well as animators. https://www.thoughtbubblefestival.com/
  9. Leeds Film Festival Volunteering (19th - 22nd April): I would love to apply for this year but the training session is the same date for when I am in Lille, but I will apply next year. https://www.leedsfilmcity.com/film-festivals/leeds-young-film-festival/lyff-volunteer-applications/
  10. Thought Bubble Volunteering (Dates Unknown): https://www.thoughtbubblefestival.com/volunteer

  • Set up or a LinkedIn Account.  
    You should develop a full and complete profile, identify a number of animation/creative related individuals or companies and connect with them.